
We measure our success in actual lives changed. These stories are a testament to the difference that communities can make when we come together to create lasting change.

Here are some of our friendly community organisations we have worked with within the heart of west midlands.

New hope global

New Hope Global has been working alongside Lisa who has been running the Zumba sessions for just under a year.

There has been a massive success with up to 22 women in the Pavilion and a long list that have been on the waiting list. This shows how popular the sessions are with Lisa. Our beneficiaries at New Hope Global love that Lisa is able to communicate with them in Bengali and Urdu this make their experience more fulfilling. We have been able to adapt the music also so that the women have more of a personal experience for instance having Indian fusion music which our ladies love.

Lisa has been able to get our ladies motivated and energetic to make the ladies want to come back every week. The sessions show how many of the ladies’ mental health has been improved as we can see that confidence levels have been boosted. Many of the ladies have been able to make new friends and had the confidence to join other activities that they would not have before. We have together seen how this has allowed our women to be more able to come out and be happy by interacting with others to build relationships.

One of our aims at New Hope was to improve mental Health after covid and it has been a pleasure to work with Lisa to improve this with Zumba.New Paragraph

Eat Make Play

Lisa is a brilliant community motivator, helping people start and continue with a active lifestyle. through both her Zumba and get active classes with EMP she has helped many people on our community build self esteem and self confidence.

Kate Smith


Deaf Cultural Center

It was a real pleasure working with you on behalf of the deaf community who really enjoyed your keep fit session.


I was amazed at the positive feedback given from service users and staff members.


Service users really enjoyed the session and felt that you provided good clear guidance and made them feel at ease and relaxed.


The staff members were impressed that you were able to adapt to their health and disability needs by providing a tailored session to meet their needs.

Jasmine Hamilton

Ladywood Deaf Cultural Center

Collaboration's and partnerships

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